February 16, 2010

Bad News

So this is what my computer screen looks like right now. I tripped on the ethernet cord that was plugged into my computer and it fell from my kitchen counter to the floor. I've taken it to a fix-er-up place and they tell me it's going to set me back about $600, which is just not reasonable for me at the moment.

Where does this leave me? Well, I have my fancy pants phone that allows me to get e-mails and whatnot and I can borrow my roommates older (and so much slower) computer when I need to, but regardless, my blogging will probably slow to a snail's pace until I figure this whole thing out.

I just haven't been able to keep up to date on my Google reader and fashion news letters so I can't post the things I love fast enough! I've had 1000+ articles in my reader for days now and today I just sucked it up and marked everything as read.

For example, the Alexa Chung for Madwell presentation was yesterday and it's been all over every blog. I want to write my own little thing about it but I just don't have the computer processing power to post the pictures fast enough :(

Sigh. Anyway, I apologize and promise I'm working on a solution so I can get back to business ASAP! Thanks for the patience, kids!