Shirt: Beacon's
Skirt: Buffalo Exchange
Sunglasses: Ray Ban
Necklace: My Gammy's
Ring: Dalaga
Tote: Libris Lunaria
Shoes: My $9.99 Hasbeens
I had the BEST time on Saturday! I got to meet so many amazing ladies and I have developed some serious girl crushes.
I met up with Anna and Emily for coffee and a quick breakfast before heading over to McCarren Park where there were lots of blankets thrown onto the grass that created one, giant patchwork picnic blanket. We drank punch, laughed, talked about our neighborhoods, where we're from, how we got into blogging - you name it! I also really loved that there was a variety of bloggers there. Some girls I have been following for a while now, but there were also new bloggers that I have yet to discover! It was really, really great and I hope another meet up happens soon.

Anna, Emily, Alley and I ended up having a roof top hang out and then went to get some food and drink after the meet up ended. It really felt like I've known these girls for a lot longer than I have and I'm happy to have some new lady friends to go on adventures with. Anna is insanely sweet, Alley is smart and hilarious, and Emily is incredibly down to earth. If you don't already follow their blogs, then you should really check them out!
A huge thank you to Veronika and everyone else for helping to organize such a perfect event! Check out Anna's Flickr for more pictures of the picnic!
I love the first picture with the yellow balloons :)I'll definitely check out their blogs
I really really really really really really really hate you for having found perfect hasbeens for 10 bucks. I mean seriously no one should be so lucky :( :( :( ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
but you look stunning! :D
Awww! You all look so cute together! So sad I couldn't go to the meetup!
I just discovered your blog through Emilys and I am hooked!
This looks like it was just a fun day
WHAT?! How did you come upon hasbeens for 9.99$?! I saw that you were also at the party for the loved one and I also live in NY for school but am home for the summer. I hope to meet everyone if there's another meet up in the fall! I love your blog and your style
annebeth & meg - it was really just a stroke of luck. this will probably never, ever happen to me again!
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