Shoes: $10 Swedish Hasbeens
Necklace: My Gammy's
So I'm sure by now you've already seen lots of pictures from the picnic in Central Park, but just incase you haven't had enough - here are some more! I actually was having such a good time chatting and hanging out with everyone that I forgot to take pictures of all the lovely ladies. Be sure to check out the links above for much, much better pictures!
I had met some of these ladies back in June at the Philly/NYC blogger meetup and it was great to see them again! There were also a lot of new faces too and some ladies (like Erin and Kater for example) who I had been looking forward to finally meeting.
I have to say that meeting fellow bloggers is a strange experience in that you kind of feel like you already know these people a little bit because they do share a part of themselves, and their lives, on the internet. For me, it doesn't feel like the first time meeting. It's more like, "Hey, it's really good to see you!" Does that make sense?
Anyway, it was a beautiful afternoon in the park and it ended with a bang - the swim team! I actually spotted these guys across the sheep meadow as we arrived and yelled to Ashley, "Look! Shirtless men!" It had to be a sign considering the shirtless men from the other night, so we strolled right over to them for a little photoshoot. They apparently took a liking to us because an hour or so later they surrounded our picnic area and sang a song to us in order to try and raise funds for their swim team. Needless to say, it worked!
I mailed in a ton of film (thanks to a tip from Siri!) so I should be getting some more Fashion Week pics as well as all my film from St. Croix next week! I'm really looking forward to sharing all of those with you guys.

I love the simple shift!
you are cute as a button. i'm still jelly over your $10 hasbeens!
<3333333333333333 forever!
That last photo should be in a museum.
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