Dress: Leah Goren
Necklace: My Gammy's
Shoes & bag: vintage
Yes, yes. This is belated, but isn't that usually the case with me?
I had a great Memorial Day weekend! Greg and I went up to Boston where I got to see my family and friends. It was full of BBQs and beach time!
On Saturday I went to Ipswitch to see Kennedy and we went on a little thrifting adventure, which was awesome. I feel like I've known Kennedy for a lot longer than I have, so it was a real treat to spend some time with her. I walked away with some awesome mom jeans and Greg got the silly USA hat that you can see below.
We spent Sunday afternoon at the MFA to see the new wing and the current Chihuly glass exhibit. The scale of the glass is what's really amazing about it. I mean, how does one ship that stuff to and from museums?
Monday was a beach day. We headed up to Gloucester and luckily we got there early enough to beat a lot of the crowds. I'm not an active beach-goer. I like to lie on my towel and read as opposed to playing with frisbees or a football. Catch my drift?
Well, I hope you all had a excellent long weekend too! We just got back from DC and Richmond, so keep your eyes peeled for a post about more adventures in U.S. History!

I need that cat dress in my life x
get it! etsy.com/shop/leahgoren
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